So, my crafty friend Lauralee and I decided to start an Etsy shop together! It's called
My Fair Ladies...see the button link over on the right side of the screen?! We love to create so we thought this would be a fun outlet for the things we make. Lauralee is now even part of a pattern design company called
Izzy and Ivy. She's AMAZING and has already written several patterns. We have a few of the Jack n Jill hats (her very own pattern) for sale in the shop. We only have a few items in the shop so far, but we'll add more soon and we're always up for custom creations. Let us know if there's something specific you'd like us to make! You can also check out things on this sewing blog for ideas. I haven't updated it in awhile but I will soon. I took a few months off from sewing after I had Sam, but now I'm back at it! :)

And as part of the My Fair Ladies shop launch, of course we need to have a giveaway! The first place WINNER will receive a custom made Jack n Jill hat from Lauralee's fabulous pattern! It will be made in the size and color you want--for you, a child, a friend, made to your liking! And the 2nd place WINNER will receive a cute pair of earrings!
I'm sure you're familiar giveaways, but since this is my very first ever giveaway, I'm making it up as I go. :)
1. 1 entry = Check out the shop and then come back and leave a comment here to let me know what you think.
2. 2 entries = Tell someone else (or lots of someone elses) about the shop and come back and leave a comment here to let me know who you told.
3. 3 entries = Put a link to the shop on your blog! If you already know how to do this, go right ahead. Here's what my fabulous sister Lindsey figured out: Right click on our MFL button over on the right side of the screen. Save the picture to your desktop. Click "Customize" at the top of your blog page and then click "Add a gadget." Click on the gadget that says "Picture." Type something like "My Fair Ladies Etsy Shop" in the "Title" line. Then put this in the link box:
www.etsy.com/shop/MyFairLadies . Then "browse" to find the image on your computer and upload it to your link. Click Save, refresh your blog and see if the link works. If so, come back and leave a comment telling me the link is added!
4. 4 entries = Make a purchase from the shop and yes, leave a comment to let me know!
So, it looks like you have the possibility of earning up to 10 entries for the giveaway! Winner will be announced on Friday, March 12th!